Untethered Life

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Waking up to love

124 Deal with your servant according to your love

    and teach me your decrees.

125 I am your servant; give me discernment

    that I may understand your statutes.

Psalm 119 (NIV)

 My heart swelled with gratitude as I copied today's stanza from Psalm 119 in my journal. The pages before I was "working out my salvation", presenting to the Lord the feeling of distress and thanking Him for His abundant provision for all that I require, even though in the moment my soul was doubting and in turmoil.

I turned to my Bible and began what has become an almost daily ritual of copying this passage, stanza by stanza. I read the words, then spoke them out loud as my pen flowed across the page, forming the letters. It doesn't always happen this way...but today Holy Spirit breathed these verses into my heart and I felt God's love wash over me, a welcome surge of awareness breaking apart distress's hold on me.

I have been crying out to God to teach me His decrees, to teach me the power of His decrees, to give me the keys to understanding and walking in full awareness of His Kingdom within me so that I might be in my being the fullness of my created purpose.

Today as I spoke "Deal with your servant according to your love" my soul woke up in greater measure to His loving dealings with me. What I ask for in accordance with His will is already done and accomplished in His love. I am remembering how to be alive in His love and His truth which has become my love and my truth because Jesus is in me and I am in Him and I am one with the Father just as they are one.

I re-member my love and re-mind my soul to be alive in my love and to not be distracted by every shifting shadow of my circumstances. Today I choose to believe that what I ask for I have received and so from that place I move into my day in communion with Holy Spirit, receiving all of the discernment and understanding that I require for each step of the way.


I CHOOSE to be alive in love

I REMEMBER God's decrees and speak them out.

I AM God's abundant love filled to overflowing for every decision, every interaction, every task, and every surprise that comes my way.