From Struggle to Ease:
How to Have Fantastic Relationships with Your Children at Any Age
Miracle Mindset - Parenting Edition includes:
4 - 30-45 minute Facebook trainings in a private Facebook group with other parents
1 - 1 1/2 - 2 hour Group Miracle Mindset Alignment [Parenting Edition] session where you will have the opportunity to take your upgrades to the next level through a facilitated Imagination Activation along with powerful sharing, miracle reporting, and group coaching designed to facilitate you into your miracles with your children now
Handouts designed to supply you with ongoing tools for continued transformation
“Imagine Love – Ignite Love” Miracle Mindset Meditation designed to support you in your ongoing miracle mindset transformation.
Access to all recordings and replays for as long as the internet allows
Downloads of all audios from Facebook lives and Group Miracle Mindset Alignment session
Bonus Material: "Divine Love" Miracle Meditation download and a pdf download of my 12 best affirmations and decrees for parents
Special Discount on upcoming Miracle Alignment Group Session: Clarity & Calm for 2021
As a mom of 6 children (ages 25-14), I can relate to the many challenges that can arise in relationships and I am here to tell you: Whatever the ages of your children and whatever the state of your relationships, miracles are waiting for you.
I am thankFULL I can now share the tools I have used to restore relationships in my family and empower you in your relationships with your children at any age.
If you are a parent of young children, this course is for you. I share with you tools I wish I had when my children were young.
If you are a parent of teenagers, struggling to stay connected and long for harmony in your relationships, this course is for you! I share insights and strategies for staying connected with your child, especially in the challenging teen years.
If you are a parent of adult children, wondering if you will ever have the relationship your heart longs for, this course if for you! I share powerful exercises designed to restore connection beyond anything you hoped or imagined.
Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love
Daily Miracle Mindset Inspiration
30 Days of In-Depth Training
Are you ready to permanently change the way you think and feel about your life? Do you struggle with uncertainty and doubt?
Do self-sabotage and procrastination keep you from reaching your dreams and goals? Have you longed to feel secure shining your light and yet found yourself retreating to hide in the shadows again and again?
Do you rely on the opinions of others and find you can never do enough or be enough to satisfy those outside of you? Do you feel stuck in repeating patterns and thoughts, trying to find your way to experiencing your abundant life but it always appears to be just out of reach?
Join me for 30 Days of Miracle Mindset Training and Inspiration
Wherever you are on your path in having and creating your life you love, 30 Days to Create Your Miracle Mindset will help you upgrade to your next level of miraculous outcomes and create Your Life You Love.
This course will help you permanently and powerfully change the way you think through 30 days of Miracle Mindset Training full of inspiration, tips, and powerful tools empowering you to Create Your Life You Love.
In our 30 days together you will
Recognize disempowering thoughts and see how you can quickly and easily take your thoughts captive
Ignite the mind of Christ within you
Think your brand new thoughts
Feel your miracles happening now
Thrive now for no reason
Create your life you love
and more!
You have 2 Levels of Participation Options:
Level 1 - Miracle Mindset Essentials includes:
·30 days of video training, inspiration, tools, mindset shifts, and more! Each video is approximately 30 minutes in length
30+ Affirmations pdf with beautiful original prophetic watercolor art images by Heather you can print off and use at home
Journaling prompts pdf
Private Facebook community
Level 2 - Miracle Mindset PLUS includes:
all of the above PLUS
Audio downloads of the 30 Days of Miracle Mindset training so you can easily listen again and again on your device
"Thriving Life Empowered identity - Unleashing Your Super Power and Stepping into Your Destiny" [50 minute bonus teaching audio download]
“Field of Infinite Possibilities” Imagination Activation Meditation [audio download]
“Divine Love” Imagination Activation Meditation [audio download]
My Hero Journey: embracing my Super Power in the Truth of Light and Love - an interactive journaling experience by Heather Harbaugh [e-book journal download]
Level 3 - DEEP DIVE Miracle Mindset bundle includes (look for new group to start in the fall 2021):
all of the above AND
An intimate group of up to 12 women in 4 live Zoom Miracle Mindset Activation sessions with Heather.
Each sessions is a deep dive into Miracle Mindset Activation with live Life Upgrade Coaching, Aroma Freedom, Imagination Activation, Heart Share, Q & A, and more.
One (1) 30 minute 1:1 session with Heather
Next Deep Dive offering will be open for registration fall 2021
Register today!
Do you feel stuck in fear? Does your faith waiver and feel uncertain at times? Are you ready to transform your fear into your bold faith and stand rooted and grounded in love?
Join me as we journey together in transforming your weakness into your greatest strength through powerful teaching , mindset shifts, and exercises to help you operate on a daily basis in your faith and courage.
Each of the four classes consists of teaching on a key area where fear can creep in, practical tools to help you transform your fear to your faith, and group Miracle Mindset sessions.
Registration coming soon.
If you do not have essential oils, please order your premium starter kit:
Additional oils recommended, but not required, are Inner Child, Release, and Transformation OR Believe. Questions? Contact me via messenger or email me at heather@untethered.life. If you purchase your Premium Starter Kit with me, I will gift back to you $25 of your class fee.
Transforming Fear into Faith
a journey to living rooted and grounded in love
Coming Soon
Unleash Your Inner Wonder Woman
Coming Soon
Are you ready to step into the life you were created to live?
Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, wondering if you’ll ever be enough?
Do you strive to be perfect but feel like you never measure up?
Do your mistakes seem to loom larger than your destiny?
With Psalm 139 as our backdrop, we will identify three primary areas where women struggle in their identity. Each module contains inspired teaching, powerful tools, and miraculous outcomes for each participant in identifying and removing hidden mindsets and beliefs and accompanying emotions and feelings, replacing them with the truth as God reveals it to you in your spirit.
Registration coming soon.
Experience Your Spiritual Breakthrough NOW
Experience yOUR Spiritual Breakthrough NOW in this online 8 week course!
Do you struggle with feeling close to God?
Do you know how to hear God's voice?
Do you know what's true in your head but have a hard time feeling it in your heart?
Do you want to increase your connection with God the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit?
Do you long to fully be who God has created you to be?
Heather combines Biblical principles with powerful tools to shift your mindset, dissolve blocks and barriers to experiencing God’s presence, restore right thinking, have you renewed Christ-mind, and live from your abundant life in God, more fully aware of God's presence within and all around you.
Registration coming soon.