Out in the open seas
Photo by Simeon Muller on Unsplash
I have been on a journey out into deep waters since 2015 after the Lord gave me a picture of a huge ocean liner with a huge rope tethering it to the shore. Jesus cut that thick tie and sent me out into the open seas because that is what an ocean liner is designed for. (You can read more about that story here , about 2/3 of the way down the page).
This adventure has taken me to many different places and allowed me to connect with the Lord in deeper and more profound ways. It's been uncomfortable as I've been stretched to grow and reach and strengthen myself in areas I didn't even know I had muscle, lol. He has also expanded my awareness and understanding of the Truth found in His written Word, pressing me to dig deep, past my understanding and into His revelation. In the beginning, I pushed back a lot in unbelief (which, incidentally, is the one thing in Jesus' earthly ministry where Scripture tells us He could do no miracles in a whole town because of the unbelief present there. Yeah, not good!), especially if I felt discomfort or fearful that I might be getting it wrong or falling into deception.
God is so gentle and kind with me. He reminds me over and over that He does not ever lead me through fear of failure or fear of getting it wrong or fear of being deceived...fear is NOT His tool. LOVE is!
So when I discover a new way of looking at or perceiving Scripture and fear pops in, instead of running away, I press into love...I take it to Jesus and ask Him to show me Truth and to sort out any falsehoods or distortions. I ask for wisdom which James says He is faithful to give me in abundance. He also warns me not to second guess the wisdom I receive because then I'll be tossed about by the waves which is no fun, trust me.
Just this week, someone was talking to me about a concept that was a little outside my comfort zone and in the past would have been rejected without much thought or consideration. I chose differently this time. I received the information as the gift it was intended to be, and then I took it to Jesus and said, "Lord, if this is something for me to look into, please confirm it to me in Your Word. I choose to only know Your Truth."
My mind is shaped by the training I have received, the messages I have been programmed with, and the beliefs that have been instilled in me. I am so very fortunate to have been taught the Bible from a young age, to have been raised in a home where love was present and a desire to know truth was paramount. With that, however, also came some limiting beliefs and mindsets via dogma that said "this is our experience, so this is how this must be interpreted. End of discussion."
This open sea journey has required that I look at each belief as I come upon them and hold them up to the light of Christ who is Truth. Jesus Himself did this in His teachings, especially in the beatitudes in Matthew 5. He took commonly held beliefs and mindsets, turned them upside down on their head, and gave the people a new way to consider that opened the way to the heart of God instead of separation, guilt, shame, and condemnation.
The Scripture the Lord gave me this week when I reached a current I wasn't sure was safe to be carried in is this:
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
~Ephesians 2:6-7
Oh how my heart leaps again at the grace and love of my Lord who has given me His Most Holy Spirit to abide within me and to teach me all things! His goodness is never-ending and His love expansive and abundant beyond all imagination (so keep imagining!!!).
Every translation I looked this passage up in all say the same thing: I AM seated with Jesus IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS. It's in the present tense. It's stating a fact that is happening RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT EVEN AS I TYPE THIS. It's my awareness or consciousness of the fact that may be clouded, and even still His Truth remains True.
I am still basking in God's love for me in this passage. Perhaps I'll write more on it another time...we shall see how the Spirit leads...and let me encourage you to take whatever it is you're wondering about...whatever it is that is outside your current mindset or belief, whether it be about God or something else entirely, and TAKE IT TO JESUS and ask Him about it directly. Holy Spirit LOVES to lead us into all truth. I promise you, He is desiring to speak to you about this today.
Much love and peace to you today.
I AM love
I AM peace
I AM seated in the heavenly places
I AM in Christ