
As I survey the piles around my projects started and then left incomplete because life happens and I either get distracted or am legitimately pulled away into a more pressing matter...discouragement starts to creep in. I feel the weight of too much stuff and not enough time to sort or energy to make the decisions...and yet there is also something more going on beneath the surface.

Deciding what to keep and what to toss and where to store what I keep or how to rearrange to create a better flow for the season we are in feels so daunting and overwhelming. So many limiting beliefs and mindsets at work. The "what if I need this later?" or the more powerful "what if I'm sorry I let this go later?"

Fear of making the wrong choice can render me powerless, frozen in the middle of a project, unable to complete it because I have not given myself permission to move forward or I am requiring something of myself that isn't actually important or...or...or...

Emotional tangles are just that...tangles. The rational mind cannot begin to unravel the threads to find the source and heal it. The emotions must be felt and the thoughts and voices heard and acknowledged and brought into the light. Inner work is so important and yet feels so daunting because for whatever reason my emotions have become scary monsters that hide under the beds of the recesses of my mind.

But what if there really is no monster? What if these thoughts and fears and feelings can all be transmuted into love? What if instead of procrastinating and avoiding tasks I approached them joyfully and confident?

As I was pondering an upcoming event at our home and my desire to have the piles disappear, I remembered a phrase I heard Bob Stevens say once "Imagine it already done" - in essence...Don't sit there focusing on the problem and wondering how you're going to get it done. Imagine what it looks and feels like to have already completed it.

What an amazing and powerful shift! I have used Aroma Freedom in the past around this particular issue and have experienced some shifts; however, as it is with this technique, having the intention or goal that one's heart truly desires is paramount for the deeper work to occur. With this revelation and insight into my imagination process, I am confident that I can move easily and joyfully through the tasks of sorting, purging, and putting away...keeping in mind the end and how having my spaces clear and my belongings organized and what no longer serves me on its way to bless others will feel so empowering.


He is faithful


Dispelling the illusion