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So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One

~ Romans 8:1


The case is closed. The accuser's case against me has been thrown out of court. I am not lacking, failing, or losing in life. The illusion has been uncovered. The Light has dispelled the shadow. The Truth has been revealed.

I AM already whole and complete.

I AM divine love and light and hope everywhere I go.

I AM all that the GREAT I AM says I AM and no other opinion or pronouncement or idea can change that Truth.

I can, however, believe things that keep me from experiencing the fullness of the abundant life that Jesus already bought and paid for.  He didn't make a down payment and then put it all on layaway (does that even exist anymore? Ha!) NO!  He said "IT IS FINISHED." Done. Complete. F-i-n-i-s-h-e-d.

When I have thoughts in my head about my life or my world that God doesn't have, I am living in an illusion. Often that illusion is all I've known, and therefore, it is comfortable and familiar. When God reveals His Truth to me, it always comes with a choice: to believe or to not choose or to not choose to make the necessary adjustments and changes to believe and to be alive in what He says is true which is always the highest, most true reality I could ever experience.

So what makes that choice so challenging? I believe the illusion more than I believe God. I give my soul and desire for comfortable and familiar more power in my life than I give my spirit who is connected to Holy  Spirit who desires to lead me and guide me into ALL truth which leads to abundant life every single time.

When I come up against the resistance to Truth, it's usually because I have been listening to the accuser and have allowed his tape to play over and over in the background of my life, not being diligent to measure every thought against the list of "pure, holy, true, noble, praiseworthy" and taking captive every thought that is other.

I am on a journey. I am choosing to be awake and to be awakened to all that God has for me. I choose to say "yes" in 2019 to more growth and expansion and renewed thinking and being alive in my highest purpose and calling which is to be 100% me.

I am shedding what no longer serves me, false ideas and pretenses, and everything that has set itself up against the knowledge of God in my life. Every day is a new discovery and a new opportunity to recommit to the process, each moment a sacred space where I connect with the Creator of the Universe, look into His eyes of love, re-mind myself that His love and power are alive and active in me, and respond to His glorious presence shining in, around, and through me.

A new age has come and the earth is groaning and waiting for the sons and daughters of God to rise up into our fullness of who He says we are. It is time, my friends, to throw aside everything that entangles and holds us back from living our abundant life as the Beloved of God.

Will you join me is saying yes?


Imagine it already done


On Anniversaries