What happens when you stop living small
A year ago I walked into YL Spring Symposium with a handful of flyers to distribute announcing the upcoming certification course I would be teaching in Dallas. I figured that, while anyone and everyone can and do benefit from AFT, those who are already oilers and committed to using oils "every day and in every way" would be the quickest to adopt this amazing modality.
It was a bit out of my comfort zone, handing out flyers and talking about AFT to strangers, but I was determined to not play small. I wanted to get the word out.
A Diamond panel (Diamond is a leadership rank in Young Living) shared that afternoon, speaking of the challenges that came with leading a large team and building a successful business. As I listened to their stories, each one mentioned an emotional or mental block that had to be overcome, and with every story, I said to myself, "I could help you with that!" I wondered how I could get the word out...how to get in contact with these leaders who were having struggles that could gently be eased through the Aroma Freedom Technique.
AFT was an obscure little technique just a year ago. Barely anyone had heard of it, and I got more than a few strange looks as I handed people flyers and explained what I was inviting them to. A few people took interest and gave me permission to contact them later with more info about an introductory webinar I was hosting.
The following week, in what would be a very timely sermon for me, Cristine Caine spoke at church, leaving me with a phrase that became my anchoring statement for the coming months: "Favor is for purpose, never for status or position."
This phrase has centered me again and again on God's purpose for this season of remarkable growth and expansion I have experienced as time after time He has showered favor on me and opened doors of opportunity that I could never have opened on my own.
AFTers @ YL Spring Symposim 2018...twice as many as last year!
Saturday, I sat in a room full of Young Living peeps and a few AFT practitioners, my heart overwhelmed with gratitude over the favor the Lord has shown me over the past year. My AFT business has grown, I've been blessed with friendships and opportunities to minister hope and freedom to people from all walks of life, and He continues to use me to be His hands and feet to the world around me.
I am humbled beyond measure and in awe of His goodness in my life.
God the Father is the giver of good gifts. He gives peace and hope and freedom and healing and courage and abundance. He takes everything, even those things that have felt like loss and hardship and have brought discouragement and despair....even those difficult and challenging times He has taken and turned them into precious moments where He met me and sat with me and gave me what I needed to stay true to Him no matter what.
One of the greatest joys in my life currently is teaching others to become certified in the Aroma Freedom Technique. Last month I traveled to Puerto Rico for an incredibly rich time with seven beautiful women who are going to be helping so many people who are still recovering from the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
Newest group of Student Practitioners in San Juan, Puerto Rico
At the end of April I will be traveling to Seabrook, TX (in between Houston and Galveston) for another in-person 2-day AFT Practitioner Certification Intensive, and in May, I'll be teaching in the DFW area, near Arlington. I'm also currently looking into traveling to Ecuador for another group training.
If you are reading this and feeling called to become an AFT practitioner but have some reservations and/or questions about what it's like or wonder if it is for you, please reach out to me. I'd love to talk to you, answer your questions, and help you to gain clarity on what your next steps are on this journey. Send an email to heather@untethered.life and put "AFT Certification Question" in the subject line. In the body of your email, give me your name and phone number if you'd like to chat. Or list your questions in the email and I'll respond to you that way.
With AFT in my hand, I feel equipped and empowered to help people let go of whatever is holding them back so that they can step into the big lives that God has called them to live out. I'm living proof that playing small doesn't help anyone but living the abundant life that Jesus came to give us to live brings life and light into the lives of more people than you could ever imagine.
Live the life YOU were created to live.
Reach the people YOU were designed to reach.
Explore the dreams YOU were given to see come into fruition.
He has more than enough for you.
Will you open your hands to receive it?