Living untethered and flying free


A year ago I could not have begun to imagine what life would be like for me today.  I had been on a journey of quite some time pressing in to deeper emotional and spiritual freedom.  That quickly accelerated with the introduction of the Aroma Freedom Technique in my life, and as I've written about before, increasing awareness of the freedom that Jesus bought and paid for already has grown beyond what I could have ever dreamed possible.

And I know it only continues to go up from here.

Mofongo relleno de pollo. Que rico!

Mofongo relleno de pollo. Que rico!

Today I'm sitting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, finishing the preparations for the AFT Practitioner Certification course I'll be teaching this weekend to seven beautiful women who joined together to bring me here for this first-ever, in-person AFT event in Spanish. 

Wow. I love my life.

You see, truth be told, you could trace the beginnings of this day back to when I watched Sesame Street and fell in love with Spanish..."Entrada"...."Salida"...perhaps two of the first words I learned besides "Hola" and "Adios."  Then when I was five, my parents and I took a road trip from Amarillo, TX down to Mexico City where some missionary friends lived.  From there we took a plane into the mountains (landing on a mountain air adventure I vaguely remember and one I'm sure was more than a little nervous-making for my parents in a small Cessna plane) where I learned some other words like "chorro" - the brook where the women would go to wash the laundry.

From there I continued to learn a word here and there until formally studying Spanish for three years in high school... which gave me the courage to apply to be an exchange student in Spain...where I gained near-native fluency....which led me to major in Spanish and French in college...after which I became an interpreter and translator...and later led multiple trips into Mexico to serve our friends in Vamos translating the Aroma Freedom Technique Quick Guide into Spanish and heading the translation project of the full book into Spanish.... to teaching the first online certification in Spanish to now teaching the first in-person certification in Spanish in Puerto Rico.

It's not that AFT has magically made all of these abilities and gifts appear in my life.  They were there long before. I've done the hard work to hone skills and develop practices in my life. 

What AFT has done is blow the doors off of the small rooms of limiting beliefs and mindsets that kept me in much smaller spaces than I am truly created to live.

God's kingdom is always advancing and expanding. There is no end to His love or to the possibilities of how His love can be made manifest through my life.

view from rosalys porch.jpg

So today I sit in awe at the life I get to lead, with great anticipation for the continued growth and move into greater freedom that every day gives me the opportunity to embrace. My voice is a little raspy and my Spanish skills are a little rusty.  I'm not as fluent today as I used to be, but that neural pathway is being opened back up again by all of the "yeses" God has given me to embrace....which means I'm also getting to practice letting go of the perfectionism that cringes every time I make a mistake or stumble over words that used to flow so easily.  It's all good. I'm doing this imperfectly and I'm doing it fearlessly. I'm doing it abundantly and joyfully.

I'm untethered and I'm flying on wings of eagles into the adventure out into the unknown!


What happens when you stop living small


Peace to a stormy heart*