A book, my word/phrase, and 2018
Frequently I begin a sentence with, "There's this book I read/I'm reading…" Books give me food for thought, words to put to impressions and ideas that have yet materialize for me, aha moments that help me see from a perspective I'd not yet considered. God speaks to me through almost everything I read, giving me revelation and insight into His character and Word that spark life for me and expand my heart for the more of the Kingdom that He desires for me to experience.
Sometimes I come across the book that resonates strongly with me and becomes my book for the year/season, one that I will give as a gift or lend out or recommend in almost every conversation. So far, this year's book has got to be The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks.
I didn't discover this gem on my own. Recommended to me by my good friends Janet Bernstein of Savvy Girl Media and Lori Dixon of Walk with Lori and a part of our Every Heart Project leadership program, it was a "homework" assignment and so I dutifully purchased the book and began to read it as soon as it arrived, knowing full well that Lori and Janet always pick the best resources.
Two pages in I was already texting a friend screen shots of resonating paragraphs. I grabbed a pencil to keep my spot so I'd be ready to underline the words and phrases as they jumped out at me. As an AFT practitioner and instructor, when I got to the section about Upper Limit Problems and hidden barriers I knew I had struck gold!
There are so many nuggets. I'm not intending to do a book review here, but I have to share a few of the key concepts and quotes:
“Begin by considering the possibility that you have at least one hidden barrier that is keeping you from being completely successful.” This. At least start here. Acknowledging that I may not be moving forward because of a hidden barrier within my own way of thinking is SO LIBERATING. It means I CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Some people shy away from this responsibility or reject it outright, choosing instead to place the responsibility on some circumstance or person outside of their control. If this is you, please stop doing that. Please reread the quote and allow it to work inside of you to bring things to light. I promise it is work the journey and discomfort.
”Would you be willing to consider that your conflict is not what you think it’s about?...if I could consider, even for a moment, that I was not upset for the reason I thought I was, I could break out of the trance I was in. Then, I could be begin to see what the real issues were.” Just in the last week, I have gone back again and again to this question. Pausing to ask myself to consider that my internal or external conflicts may be about something other than what I’m attributing them to has opened up deeper insight and revelation as well as opportunity to let go of beliefs and mindsets that no longer serve me well.
Four Hidden Barriers (my favorite part of the book! So eye-opening!!!): 1 - feeling fundamentally flawed. 2 - disloyalty and abandonment. 3 - believing that more success brings a bigger burden. 4 - the crime of outshining. This section was beyond excellent. Worth the price of the book right here.
Symptoms that we are operating underneath one or more barriers (or Upper Limit Problem): worry, criticism and blame, deflecting, squabbling, getting sick/getting hurt. I could go on and on about this book. And perhaps I’ll write another blog post about more of the concepts, but for now I want you to just go get the book for yourself.”
No, sorry, my copy is not available to borrow. I've underlined and taken notes and dog-eared pages because I know I'll be referring back to it again and again. You'll need your own fresh copy ;-)
For 2018, many of my friends and colleagues have chosen words as a focal point throughout the year. Last year my word was "Delight" as God was working in me to move me from a place of duty and obligation to delight and joy. I'm still in process, but some important shifts have been made.
This year my word or phrase came in my early morning journaling and conversation with the Lord. He very clearly told me: "Turn it over to me and trust Me." So I've shortened that to "Turn and Trust."
It applies to everything. In every situation and circumstance where I find myself moving to worry, fear, fret, or anxiety, I am to take it to Jesus and let it go.
A few years ago, Lee bought me a necklace and a pair of earrings at a local fair trade store for our anniversary. They have become some of my favorite jewelry. Yesterday, as I was pulling in our cul-de-sac after being at book club, I realized that my necklace had come unlatched and the cord was dangling down my shoulder. I felt for the pendant, and it was gone. I started to fret and feel sad over the loss. I didn't know if it had fallen off when I had taken a walk earlier, or in the car somewhere or at my friend's house or out in her street. I remembered my word "Turn and Trust," so I chose to turn it over to Him.
I walked in the house after searching the car for the pendant and double checking my clothes. It was nowhere to be found. I set my things down and walked over to tell my husband of my loss. There on the desk next to him was my pendant! I shrieked and asked him how it got there. He looked bewildered and said I must have put it there. Ha! It may seem like a small thing, but I just know it was God. Truth is, even if it hadn't turned up right away, no amount of worry was going to bring it back. Turn and trust is always the right choice.
2018 has lots of opportunities for me to turn and trust. I'm learning how to flow in the Spirit and let worry and fear go quickly. I'm more in tune to my thoughts, feelings, and emotions (thank you Aroma Freedom Technique!!!) and can hand over to Jesus anything that doesn't align with love, peace, and joy in my life. I embrace all that God has for me this year (and so far it feels enormous! He's big enough, though, so thankful He's already speaking to me about what I need to do to thrive in this next season: Turn and Trust.)
I have a couple of Aroma Freedom Technique Certification trainings lined up: one in Arlington that starts this Thursday (there's still space for three more!) and one in Rockford, IL that starts next Friday (almost to capacity!). I'm also planning a trip to teach in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I love how AFT has expanded my horizons so much! I have some online courses coming up as well: a new one called "Unleash Your Inner Wonder Woman" as well as "Experiencing Spiritual Breakthrough with AFT." Registration links will be up soon!
I'll be holding some virtual essential oils basics classes too, including an "oils in the bedroom" class that is sure to be a winner, especially as we near Valentine's Day. Look for those to be announced on Facebook.
What books are you reading? Do you have a word for 2018? And how is the New Year shaping up for you so far? I'd love to hear from you!