Unleashed! I am Wonder Woman.

Have you seen the movie Wonder Woman? I've always liked a good super hero movie, but something about this particular one struck a strong chord with me. There were so many powerful moments displaying what it looks like to walk in courage and in complete awareness of your true identity. She never waivered in the commitment to her purpose and mission, even when it meant risking her life or doing the seemingly impossible. She knew who she was and what she was created to do.

After watching it, I was inspired to write a new course for the Aroma Freedom Academy called Unleash Your Inner Wonder Woman. This three-week course looks at three key areas where women struggle with identity. With Psalm 139 as the backdrop, we will go through a group AFT clearing each week as we align our perception of our identity with what God says is true. Registration is now open, and class starts February 5th and meets at 8 pm Central/ 9 pm Eastern. Each class is recorded and available for viewing within 24 hours for those who can't attend live or simply want to watch the replay. I can't wait to see women step into their God-given identity and shatter the darkness around them.

In other news, Experiencing Spiritual Breakthrough with AFT is back!  This popular 8 week course starts on January 30th and meets on Tuesdays at 2 pm Central/ 3 pm Eastern.  Each class is also recorded and the replay available to be viewed within 24 hours.  In this course, I take you through the Scriptures to while sharing insights into the blocks in our relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then we move into a time of setting intentions and going through a group AFT session in order to strengthen and nurture our connection with God.

Each week builds upon the previous one as participants discover the embedded beliefs and mindsets that keep them from experiencing a deep and meaningful connection with God and exchange them for the powerful truth that sets each one free to experience a deeper awareness of God's presence within and all around.

Join me for one or both courses! 

Register for Unleash Your Inner Wonder Woman here.

Register for Experience Spiritual Breakthrough with AFT here.




A book, my word/phrase, and 2018