2018: The Year of Accelerated Freedom
Are you ready to make 2018 the year you walk out your freedom that's already been bought and paid for? It's a done deal!
All you have to do is change the way you think and do the work of belief.
Simple, right? Just memorize Scripture, pray more, worship harder, clean up your diet, break those unhealthy habits...just DO the RIGHT THING.
But it's hard. And discouraging. Eventually, you might come to the conclusion that adding in more information to your brain and doing more activities, while they may help for a short while, are not bringing about the lasting change that you long to see.
I've been a follower of Jesus for most of my life. He is my center and the One that my whole life is lived through. And while I have learned to control my behavior so that I'm presenting a calm and peaceful exterior (most of the time) and am choosing loving words and actions, the internal chatter and feelings inside my body have been MUCH SLOWER to come into alignment with the Truth of Freedom.
That all changed about nine years ago when I was introduced to Sozo, a healing prayer ministry out of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. I experienced healing and major shifts within that created lasting change in my inner world as my connection with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was strengthened and deepened. I carried away from that session new tools to maintain this powerful connection.
After mentioning it to a few of my closest friends, we agreed to gather together for a few weeks to watch the training dvds, so we could experience deeper freedom in our own lives. This quickly led to a series of events that opened up opportunities for us to go to a live training and to become an endorsed Sozo ministry at the church we then attended.
We were a small group, but we were fiercely dedicated to bringing freedom to whoever was hungry to experience more of God in their lives, to realize the abundant life that Jesus came to give.
Then last year, I was introduced to the Aroma Freedom Technique and was so captivated by the way this powerful new tool could pair with the Sozo tools I had, I knew I had to learn it and become certified. Through this technique, my inner world matches up with Truth much more quickly and permanently than ever before.
One of the things I love most about this tool is that I can help anyone from any walk of life, no matter what faith or background or age. It is truly a tool that accelerates growth and freedom like nothing I've ever seen or experienced before. The ways I've seen lives change and hearts be renewed and hope restored is miraculous.
Not everyone I work with knows Jesus, but everyone I work with experiences Truth and Freedom that only He can bring. He is all about healed hearts and people experiencing His love, peace, and joy, and I'm so grateful that He uses me to bring that to people all over the world!
This January, I am offering two opportunities to learn this amazing technique with me as your facilitator and instructor. The Aroma Freedom Technique does not carry any religious affiliation so all are welcome to attend and to learn this extraordinary tool that helps people get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of days, weeks, months or years. That's what I call accelerated freedom.
These 2-Day Intensives are full of insightful instruction and powerful practice times as you learn the tools and practice them with other students. After our two days are over, you return home to finish up the remaining requirements on your own. Depending on how motivated you are, you could finish up your requirements within a week of finishing the in-person instruction.
Your first opportunity for an in-person training in 2018 is in Arlington, TX (just 20 minutes from DFW International Airport). Group discounts are still available, so contact me for information. Space is still available for this course. Register here.
Next up is in Rockford, IL which is north of Chicago. The Early Bird pricing is available trough January 4th. Group discounts are available as well. Contact me for information. Space is still available for this course. Register here.
Then in February, I am tentatively planning a certification course in San Juan, Puerto Rico! If you or someone you know lives in or near San Juan that wants to become certified in AFT, have them contact me.
Our world has never been more desirous or in need of true freedom. You are that agent of freedom that has been sent to bring hope and healing to the nations! Sign up today to learn this revolutionary new tool that you can use to help people in so many different ways!!!