What happens when you create what YOU love?

My first time to see my journal in print.

What happens when you create what YOU love instead of “trying to figure out” what people will like or what they want from you?



My first purchase. This message was how I found out my journal was live on Amazon - sent just a minute after the time stamp on my email from Amazon I found after getting this message.

I recently took action on my long-desired plan to create a journal using my watercolor art for the cover.

I love journaling and there a few specifics I personally look for in a journal:

  • college rule lines - I find if they are wider, I squeeze in two lines of writing lol, so I prefer college rule lines for my own personal journaling

  • inspiring cover - I can buy a plain spiral notebook that is college rule, AND I find I really prefer having my journals with covers I love

  • prompts & inspiring quotes - I appreciate journaling prompts AND what has kept me from purchasing journals with prompts in the past is the prompts are placed in the journal with space after to answer. Some may love this. I, however, do not. Why? Because…what if I only write a little? or what if I write more than the space allows? what if that particular prompt does not inspire me that day? or at all?

My dear friends Meggan and Lauren with my new journal!

My friend Natasha in Australia honoring me with a Facebook live of her opening her journal.

SOOOOO….I made sure in my journal to create lots of blank pages with college rule lines, create a beautiful and inspiring cover, AND list all of the journaling prompts at the front of the journal so people can pick/choose what they are inspired to write on, choosing how many/few lines to answer their chosen prompt.

My first purchaser is also my first 5 star review.

My journal went live on Amazon the week before Christmas (my timing was different AND it went live in perfect Divine Timing! See my post on Facebook about it over here.)

I am so excited to share it with my world, and already I have received reports that my creation matches what others look for in a journal too!

Publishing my journal, receiving love and support from friends and family, hearing people choosing to use it in their groups as inspiration for the new year, and, most of all, creating what I LOVE has ignited my creative genius in brand new ways.

Things that once felt daunting and near impossible are now attainable and fun and easy for me to start (to name a few … rebuilding my website, getting back to my regular movement and exercise practice, recommitting to nourishing my body consistently, housecleaning…).

Doing and creating what I love creates infinite energy for the other things that have been lower on my list because of how much energy and will power they were going to take.

Fun and ease comes in to me when I create what I love and share my creations with my world!

In the past, I allowed the idea that there were more important things to do first to dominate me.

I reclaimed my power and started seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God (doing what I love because this is what honors my Creator MOST), and I am finding all the rest is being added TO ME in grace and ease.

I empower you in your own Creative Genius and acceptance of serving your Creator in your own Love Creations.

Report your miracles!

Check out my journal here: I AM Wealth: a Miracle Mindset Journal


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