Is it time for you to activate and unleash your Creative Genius?
Our world is going through massive transitions and your creative genius is being called on to create and innovate our brand new world founded on love, compassion, sovereignty, community, and equity for all life everywhere.
You carry within you Heaven’s Creative Solutions for every challenge in your world.
The Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN you.
The only things that can stop you from being activated in your Creative Genius and being the vessel through which Heaven’s Solutions come to earth are doubt and suspicion.
Doubt and suspicion team up to convince you…
1 - your creativity doesn’t matter
2 - your creative solutions aren’t enough
3 - your creative ideas aren’t lucrative
4 - your creations will be rejected
5 - your Creative Genius is flawed and lacking and should stay hidden
Are you done listening to doubt and suspicion?
They are LOUSY mentors and councilors.
Is it time for you to activate your Creative Genius and let you be the vessel for Divine Inspiration, Heavenly Ingenuity, and Cosmic Solutions on earth as it is in Heaven?
Change your narrative and Join Me on Zoom on the 24th of March for a FREE webinar on “5 Ways to Activate Your Creativity.” I’ll also be talking about my new course “Creative Genius” and answering any questions you might have! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Hit the button below!