How to navigate all the new and stay in peace and joy

I am the first to say change is not my favorite.

I love tradition, knowing what’s coming, having a solid plan in place, and sticking to it.

If I didn’t already know it, 2020 revealed to me how easily I let my desire for knowing what’s coming to become control, even on a micro level, and loads of stress when things change unexpectedly.

It’s been two years since a massive shift encompassed our entire planet, and life as we knew it changed for everyone.

We all were handed an opportunity to embrace new opportunities and become brand new.

I resisted many of these changes - felt anger, sad, fear, surprised, incredulous, relief…the one that surprised me the most was the relief I felt when what I call “The Great Rest” came for the first time.

My mornings were still and quiet. Traffic was minimal. No planes were taking off at the municipal airport near me. The skies were clear and blue. I spent time walking, creating, resting, and enjoying a new pace of life with no meetings to drive to (though I’m sure we can all attest to having way more screen time with Zoom meetings than we ever thought were possible), no activities scheduled, and a comradery with the world while we navigated the unknown.

As things started to open back up again after the initial two weeks of pause, I began to feel anxious and sad. My wise friend pointed out that I was grieving ahead of time the changes I foresaw coming and the idea that there would be things I’d have to do again at a rhythm that didn’t suit me if the world went back to “normal.”

Now in 2022, we know that whatever “normal” we were hoping to get back to is never coming returning. The universe has arrived in space and time to the Aquarian Age with a message so clear, we can only pretend to deny it: It’s time to be Brand New.

This Brand New is different than any in recorded history, in my opinion, because of how aware we are of world-wide activity. It can be tempting to see ongoing upheavals and changes to our way of life as wrong, resist the price of gas changing, the war happening in remote or near places, the earth responding in floods, earthquakes, and volcanos and to judge it all as “something is going wrong and we have to fix it so we can get back to ‘normal.’”

But what if “normal” isn’t what’s best for us? What if all of this upheaval is our opportunity to surrender our attachment to old patterns, belief systems, and habits that no longer serve us or our planet and to create BRAND NEW? Richard Rohr says that God often takes our order, disorders it (what we experience as chaos and undoing), and then reorders us according to where we are NOW and what we are here to do NOW.

Our attachments to how things have been can be so strong, we won’t willingly surrender unless a seismic event happens in our lives that requires us let go or die.

I recommend we make our new choice and instead ask ahead of time: “what is it time for me to surrender and trust? What am I here to create brand new and what do I need to do to support my faith and courage?”

Please hear what I am communicating from my heart: all of this upheaval may very well be the unfolding of the most excellent miracle we have ever seen.

If we embrace this possibility and let miracles unfold instead of resisting them, sending lots of fear and anger and sadness out into the cosmos (side note: some call this “loosh” and say it’s how the lower entities (aka demons) stay strong because they feed on it…), then we can navigate the upheaval with Grace, Ease, Creativity, Peace, and Joy as our primary fuel and inspiration.

When we consciously and actively choose Grace, Ease, Peace, and Joy as the currency and energy we take action from, then those things that feed on fear and anger don’t get fed and can’t influence us near as much, and we activate our Creative Genius which allows us expansive energy for new choices.

If you’ve studied with me or followed me for very long, you know I am all about feeling ALL you feel. The above is not a suggestion you stuff what you feel. The shift is in recognizing YOU ARE FEELING and instead of projecting it out into the universe and blaming how you feel on what is happening around you, on things not turning out how you expect, on “normal” not returning so you can’t have peace, joy, love, ease, etc. until it does…INSTEAD YOU FEEL AND LET LOVE SUPPORT YOU AND COMFORT YOU.

This shift is MASSIVELY IMPORTANT because instead of blame, shame, guilt, condemnation, fear, anger, etc. getting put out into the universe, you are taking all of your feelings and surrounding them with the warm, powerful, comforting embrace of your Love.

You have God’s Perfect Divine Love within you to give to yourself and others at all times. The wars and upheaval and planetary shifts in nature may continue. In the past, we’ve tried to fight war with war, upheaval with resistance, and planetary shifts with control. While those things may have provided a temporary relief, they have not given us lasting, sustainable, equitable abundance and peace for all.

In order to heal this time, we have to…we get to let the deep, ancestral wounds receive the Light and Love they are coming up for, and this action of giving Light and Love to our planet and our world starts with us first giving it to us, in us, for us.

And as we heal the universe we are, the Universe we are in will reflect the Love and Light we are generously giving ourselves.

So, how do we navigate all of the new and the unfolding of our miracles?

Love. Compassion. Acceptance. Healthy Boundaries. Letting go of all that no longer serves us in this new age SO WE CAN CREATE BRAND NEW AND THRIVE!

I am creating a brand new opportunity for those that have the call to be Pioneers and Forerunners in this Brand New age we are entering. This new land requires those who are willing to let our Creative Genius shine, to Trust Holy Spirit in us can tell us exactly what we need to know when we need to know it, to choose faith and courage in embracing what we’ve always known – we are here for such a time as this because we are prepared with all the tools we require to bring Heaven on Earth.

Stay tuned, sign up for my newsletter, follow me on social media, send me an email, comment below…whatever works best for you to stay up-to-date with what I’m bringing you to support you in igniting and activating your Creative Genius for this new age.

Enrollment opens on March 22, 2022.

All Love.


Are you worshiping doubt?


The Slow Work of God - on embracing Divine Timing & Divine Order