I have permission and provision for my God-Vision
As I open my notebook to resume planning my next creation, the pages fall to the notes I took at a recent networking event where I heard the amazing Elayna @thepositivemom share her story. (Side bar: she and I WILL be collaborating one day sooon! I loved her at first sight!)
Her message that morning was for me. So many nuggets of wisdom I have carried since then, like “This is what my dream looks like when it is coming together” - I’ve shared this with clients and applied to to my life almost daily when my miracles unfold differently than I expect.
Then tonight my eyes take in these words “When I receive a vision, I have permission and provision for my vision.”
God’s is to take care of the how. Mine is to embrace my vision and take inspired action instead of holding back in worry and fear.
I know what she says is true. I’ve experienced provision for my visions over and over again in the past.
And this time I realize it’s time for me to give myself permission to give my full YES to my vision and surrender my fears over to GOD, rest and trust, receive my provision and let my vision take form underneath my hands
Is it time for you to embrace your vision and let your provision come to you? Have you been feeling stuck and efforting to get out - spinning your wheels - OR have you “given up” and let doubt and fear take the driver’s seat for a bit?
It’s ok! You can make your new choice right now.
Decree with me:
I give myself permission to embrace my God-Vision.
I have my full provision for my God-Vision.
I CAN let my vision come forth through my hands.
I AM my God-Vision secure and supported in my world.
I rest and I trust my vision is unfolding in perfect Divine Order as I let God inspire and create through me.
(c)2022 Heather Harbaugh artwork and text
What’s new and different for you now that you have embraced your provision for the unfolding of your vision? Report your miracles!
I created Activate JOY: 21 Day Miracle Mindset Reboot to support US in increasing our capacity for Joy, strengthening our neural pathways to access our Joy, and activate awareness of all the ways JOY is here serving and supporting us in our now moments.
Click on the button below to learn more and to enroll. Pricing is $88 through February 4th and then increases to its regular price of $144 on February 5th, 2022.
Check out my gift to you: I created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click below to request them. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.
I AM your permanent JOYFULL VICTORIOUS COSMIC CHEERLEADER! I see you thriving and embracing your full JOY now and giving yourself permission to express and activate JOY in your world today.