3 Mindset Reset Hacks

Here are 3 mindset reset hacks to help you navigate 2022 with grace and ease when you notice your thoughts are governing your inner world and suppressing your peace:

  1. Choose to give yourself permission to pause and breathe. There are many breathing techniques to choose from, and one I find easy to incorporate is “box breathing.”

    • You simply breathe in for a count of 4 (go ahead and do it with me now: 1….2….3….4),

    • hold your breath for a count of 4 (1….2….3….4),

    • breathe out for 4 (1….2….3….4),

    • hold for 4 (1…2….3….4) and repeat. For additional benefit, add your favorite essential oil to your hands and inhale with your breaths.

  2. Put your focus and attention on 3 things you are greatFULL for. Be as specific as you can be and allow your body to feel your love and gratitude. For example, I AM thankFULL for the way the sunlight bounces off the picnic table outside my window, the way my lungs expand with my breath, and the quietness that happens when my refrigerator fan cycles down.

  3. Stand up tall (if you’re sitting, sit up straight), put your hands on your hips, take a deep breath, and smile and now choose your new thought. Your new thought can be continued meditation on gratitude, a decree, your plan of inspired action, or an image of a completed goal you desire to attain (mine is my straightened and clean house!).

Do you have other ways you reset your mind and move forward in your life?

I choose for you to share them in the comments!



I created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click the button below to request them. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.

My course “Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love” is designed to support you in reclaiming your sovereignty over your thought life and equips you to align your thoughts and feelings with Truth. For more information and to enroll, click the button below.


How much enough until enough becomes enough?


Is there a better version of you waiting in your future?