What the heck?
In moving through the dense energies on our planet right now, I've discovered the importance of fully embracing my Joy.
Joy is a topic that keeps coming up for me lately.
In writing my book Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love, when I got to the chapter on Joy, I stalled out. The previous chapters had flowed with such ease and now this one was like slogging through deep mud that had suctioned my feet into almost immobility.
What the heck?
I remember all of my life training and having grace for myself...letting things unfold organically vs trying to force my way through.
So I let the chapter sit (and it's still sitting) and gave myself permission to discover what I was tapping into...what in me was asking for my full attention.
Turns out I have some teachers & treasures to explore...buried in the thoughts and belief systems of religion and culture, false standards, outside influence, judgments and opinions of others, trauma, etc.
My treasures & teachers have been covered over by years (and maybe even generations) of ideas, habits, self-protective mechanisms, thought forms, religion, etc. couched in "proper behavior," "appropriate movement," making people "comfortable," making people "happy," getting "approval," "fitting in" and "belonging"...all leading to suppression and hiding of my full JOY.
My body's not having any more of that. My spirit definitely isn't having any more of that. God in me is rising up and saying, "Girl! It's time to shine your full Joy for no reason and throw off the grave clothes of sorrow and suppression and BE JOY-FULL NOW!
Friends, what I am discovering is how VALUABLE and VITAL being in my FULL JOY is for me and anything else is less than God's best for me.
I am discovering how my creativity is expanding and my energy is being sustained and my thoughts are more full of light and my body is experiencing more ease.
I am letting my Joy shine more and more and real-eyesing how attached I've been (in the past b/c I make my brand new choice!) to how my outer world perceives me and also how unconscious I have been (again...in the past because this girl is BRAND NEW) to the self-protective mechanisms I have used to shield myself from my word's opinions about my JoyFULL expression.
My mentor Bob Stevens has facilitated me many times into discovering my full JOY and when he asks me how I feel and I answer "I feel my Joy", he has often responded "Now, tell your face!" because my feeling wasn't matching my expression.
Me feeling AND expressing my full Joy is on deck for me right now...I give myself permission and I feel my Joy AND express my JoyFULL Light now, for no reason!
I let me world see on my face my radiant, glorious JOY!
This experience over the last several weeks has led to me to create something I choose to invite you to invest in because more and more I see our remedy for our planet is we re-ME-dy ourselves in our full Joy.
Scripture says God sits on His throne and laughs. In my experience and perspective, God laughs in me in full relaxed, exuberant, expressive Joy (not the mocking, derisive kind). I believe it's time to let God express full JOY through me and in this way my world is renewed and experiences Heaven on earth.
I see JOY is the currency and resource of Heaven available to all of us NOW in greater measure because it is our FUEL and CURRENCY (movement of energy) for bringing in New Heaven and New Earth through us, the mature Sons of God, filled and activated in our full, creative, genius, exuberant, magnificent, glorious God-JOY.
Who's ready to activate Joy?
Let's goooooooooooo!!!!
Ready to see what I’ve created? Click on these links to get the details!
(Hint, if you're in my Miracle Mindset Collective group...go check out my post in there).
Activate Joy: 21-Day Miracle Mindset Reboot (code: LAUNCHJOY)
Deep Dive + Activate Joy: 21 Day Miracle Mindset Reboot (code: LAUNCHDEEPDIVE)
Questions? Send me an email: heather@untethered.life