What's your new choice?
Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash
Guess what! You have a brand new choice RIGHT NOW available to you that can shift your entire experience so you can have miracles manifesting in your life today.
You and I have our opportunity to Activate Joy by choosing to live from our Joy-focus now, which is where our miracles are found.
Having your joy-focus, living your life from your JOY-orientation instead of performance-based effort, creates a foundation for remembering, restoring, revisioning, upgrading and transmuting your previous experiences into your Joy-strength.
Even when we perceive our circumstance or choice is not what we expected or hoped, when we have our joy-focus we realize it is already worked out for our good and we can experience JOY in the midst of any situation.
For example, when I yelled at my kids in the past, I realized that wasn’t my highest choice, but I lived for many years in regret because I focused on my performance “failure” in the moment. I gave my JoyFULL energy away to regret.
I have since remembered I can simply clean up my mess, ask for forgiveness, be brand new, AND still have my Joy.
When we shift our view, we can see our steps, not as a shame-walk, but as our joy dance, a returning into unity and oneness with our Creator.
Making a new choice may have the appearance of creating chaos in my outer world.
What’s actually true is I’ve changed my steps. I’ve stepped out of the pattern of unconsciousness I was asleep in and have started to create a new dance.
When I was in unconsciousness, giving my powerFULL Joy away, I fed thought forms (thoughts, opinions, standards of others) the energy they were seeking in order to have influence in my life. In the past, I chose self-protective mechanisms to navigate my life instead of the tools God has given me.
When I stop feeding these, there is a high chance they will react. And it’s ok! It’s simply evidence I’m re-orienting my life in my brand new choice.
There’s also a chance the people around me will also have a reaction because they now have an opportunity to adjust because they are used to interacting with a certain version of me that no longer exists.
AND when we practice amplifying our Joy in our imagination, we can actually make this fun and easy for our family and friends too – imagining all adjustments happening with grace and ease.
We imagine our world receiving our joy, activating in their own joy and taking responsibility for their own joy; we live our experience in the inner (in our hearts) first before it has manifested on the outer (in our world around us).
We frame up our experience in God’s highest desire for us which always includes JOY for ALL!
If we imagine on the inner a resistance or reaction from the people around us, then we frame up the old pattern again and potentially recreate old, tired patterns.
Instead, I recommend we imagine the JoyFULL outcomes we desire.
If we practice our Joy maneuvers ahead of time, they become second nature to us in the actual situations.
Imagine your highest and best outcome, surrender your attachment to how it looks, and stay present in your Joy AND watch your miracles unfold.
Below are some shared experiences in our latest Joy Fest:
Peggy: “The experience has been a spiral coming back to Joy at a higher level. The understanding that every time I get to choose Joy it will be at a higher and deeper level.”
Ilona: “I have discovered that Joy can have many levels. I’m experiencing joy even in sadness and grief. Ten years ago, I was in survival mode, and I held onto the scripture that I should be joyful; I thought I was just pretending to be joyful. Going through the course I realized that it wasn’t pretense, but rather protection against the storms in my life. Now that the outside of my life is quieter, I’m ready to experience a deeper joy.”
Lydia: Joy is like a weapon or tool I didn’t realize I needed. I have joy and am grateful that I have it. When I recognized it, the opposition started coming, where I felt like I needed to be self-reliant like I was before. However, joy has nothing to do with the circumstances I’m in, or the people I’m engaging with; it’s about what I choose to focus on. I get to choose what I’m anchored in, and I choose this.”
Pamela: “When we started the challenge, I cried because I had this belief that I had no joy. This 21-day challenge has opened up my scales of understanding joy. My voice is returning to me. I’m using my tools, stopping the negative talk in my head and responding positively and ready to do what I’m passionate about doing.”
Our Joy is always present to us, even when we haven’t been aware. When we integrate Joy in our lives, it shifts our experience and gives us insight into our new choices in our abundant, thriving life.
If you or someone you know will be blessed by this material, please share and enroll below. Let’s #activatejoy!