Are you ready to Realize YOUR miracle?
RealEyes original painting by Heather Harbaugh
For me, having my miracles, whatever they are, means I enter into my state of rest and trust even before my miracles manifest in my life.
In the past, I lived as if I couldn’t have peace and rest until I had my miracles.
Now I know the key to having my miracles manifest in my life is I first experience my miracle already here.
This, for me, is the foundation of my faith - having eyes to see what is still unseen.
Robert Tennyson Stevens teaches that our miracles have already all been delivered to us on the invisible and it is our faith that brings them into manifestation.
As I have grown in my understanding of having all God has for me now and realizing it’s my faith that’s required in taking inspired action and bringing my miracles into my now, my miracles are happening and more are on the way!
It is a matter of getting my thoughts in alignment with God’s thoughts and only feeding my God-thoughts vs my fear thoughts. It is imagining my outcomes as God imagines them. It is stepping into my place of mature sonship and surrendering everything less-than-love over to God in me where everything is already worked out for my good.
Everything is happening for me.
When I turn from worry and fear where I imagine lack, limitation, and separation as my outcomes and INSTEAD stand in my place where my Father sees - in the End from the Beginning - where everything is already redeemed and restored and revitalized and resurrected and re-envisioned and remembered into only God’s Love…then I experience and am a conduit of Heaven on Earth.
Are you ready to get YOUR miracle? Are you ready to get tools to help you easily and quickly transform what is showing up for you in your life and experience deeper measures of peace and love and joy and rest and trust?
Is it time for you to surrender what no longer serves you and have your next upgrade?
I am partnering with Robert Tennyson Stevens and our Mastery Systems Core Team to bring a brand new version of his signature course “All For You” called All For You Accelerator,and we have a free intro call on Sunday, November 29th at 6 pm Eastern.
I have participated in four “All For You” live events and have experienced first hand the miracle of finally believing and being alive in my Truth of who God says I AM. What this means for me is I live in my truth experientially. Rather than just having head knowledge, I have fuller body awareness of God alive in me, as me.
My thoughts, words, and feelings are more aligned than ever with God’s Truth already alive and active in me.
I am enthused to bring to you this new All For You Accelerator course where you will receive in-depth sharing and inspiration along with small group interaction, facilitation, and application for immediate transformation and practice of the All For You tools. In addition to our live online class time, you will have access to previously recorded trainings to help you prepare for our class and to assist you in becoming masterful in living consciously.
Go here to see all that is included and to read more about our brand new All For You Accelerator course and register by November 29th to receive the special beta-launch pricing. Be sure you join us for our free intro call on Sunday, November 29th at 6 pm Eastern time.
Now say, “I’ve got my miracle!”
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