I AM My God's Wealth

I AM My God's Wealth

How do I begin to put into words a moment in time when God spoke Truth to my heart and expanded my understanding of who He is in me, as me.

One step at a time, He opens up the path before me...in me...illuminating areas of truth and highlighting powerful principles, infusing my life with a refreshed sense of purpose and meaning.

Today as I was driving, these words popped into my mind: "I AM God's wealth...I AM MY God's wealth. I AM Jesus's inheritance" and tears welled up as I spoke the words aloud over and over again.

As the truth resonated within me and I felt years of shackles fall off in the vibration of these simple phrases, I asked "Well, what is it I have been believing instead of this truth?"

And immediately I heard: "You've believed you were God's expense."

Whoa. This mind shift is still shifting and dislodging old mindsets and beliefs underlying a system of thinking woven with burden and suffering and withhold and scarcity and hiding and shrinking so that I would not cause or be more expense than I could contribute towards.

In the past, this has been a never-ending cycle, cancel. I was stuck in trying to earn love by contributing love, to earn approval by contributing works, to earn my keep by working as hard as I could to be worth my keep.

And in a moment, all of this is transmuting into my God's Truth....I AM His reward, His treasured pearl, His beloved child from before the beginning of time and now and for eternity. I AM His Great Wealth and His Treasured Inheritance and I do not have to do a thing to BE this. I already AM this because He IS the Mighty I AM and He is in me as me.

As I sit with this truth, I go to my Abundance essential oil, designed specifically to help boost my brain's capacity to embrace truth and shed old ways of thinking, place some drops on my palms and inhale in deeply. I smooth my paper, inadvertently leaving traces of the oils which is appropriate for the process I am entering into.

I pick up my paint brush and turn on my husband's newest musical creation and set out on a journey to put color on paper in swirls and shapes and squiggles.

And then I see her emerge, her form distinctly appearing as I give myself to the music and the scents and the images that are finding their way to expression through me.


I sit in awe and wonder at her beauty and her flow and her expression and I know I am a conduit of God for messages and impressions and experiences with His Presence within.

The journey is only beginning and I AM is expanding to fill all of the places where lack and poverty once held sway and my body responds with deep sighs and profound joy as I see me as He sees me.

I AM my God's Wealth. I AM my God's Abundance. I AM my God's Inheritance and His Treasure and His Great Joy is within me for me as me to me through me.

I ignite God's miracles everywhere I go. I AM abundant and overflowing with God's goodness and I touch everything with my God's Love.


Is it time for your to fully shine?


A right perspective