ANNOUNCEMENT: Early Bird Discount for in-person AFT Certification Course!

Early Bird Discount through May 5th!

Find a group of 4 friends, send the names and emails of your group of 4 to, and receive a discount code for 20% off regular tuition for the in-person, intensive Aroma Freedom Technique certification course coming to Dallas, TX, May 19-20th.

This innovative approach to eliminating negative beliefs, limiting mindsets, and releasing challenging emotions is changing lives and helping people on their paths towards reaching their heart's desires.

Must register your group of four by May 5th to receive discount.  In addition, register by May 1st to receive a hard copy of The Aroma Freedom Technique book by Dr. Perkus and an AFT sampler oil kit (this offer also available for single registrants).  


Emotions. Do you stuff them?


What's really behind all that "meanness"?