Day 23: AFT buddies are the Bomb ... 30-Day Miracle Challenge with AFT
Photo by Rachel Walker on Unsplash
Yesterday afternoon we had our weekly 30-Day Miracle challenge call where Dr. Perkus shares what's on his heart and others report how their 30-day practice has been going.
My friends Renee and Christine were radiant and glowing from the incredible movement they are experiencing in their lives from this simple practice and focus through AFT.
Renee mentioned that she gets up each day and says "Ok Heart, what are we doing today?"
I thought, "Aha! This is brilliant! This is a great question to ask to find the place of delight that God has been talking to me so much about lately." So, this morning I woke up and asked, "Heart, what do you want to do today?"
Silence. Or deafening noise. I couldn't really tell which was coming from my heart. There was a litany of items on my to do list all clamoring for attention, there was overwhelm wanting to just forgetaboutit and go back to bed, and then there was just silence.
Which was my heart? Was any of it my heart? I realized I had a problem! I wasn't clear on what it was my heart was directing me to do.
Thankfully, today I was meeting with my amazing AFT buddy Adrianne. We became buddies when we took the certification course together last October and have been practicing AFT together ever since. We finally got to meet in person this past June at YL Convention.
After listening to me explain my dilemma Adrianne helped me set my intention: "I listen to my heart's desire and follow its guidance daily." I started out at a 2 and heard such things as "you have too much to do" and " you can't trust your heart to get you through your day" or "you might miss something important" and "what if something doesn't get done?" With each round, my number moved up.
At one point, I asked Jesus about my heart…what did He think? That's all that really matters to me anyway. He showed me a bright white heart with light that expanded and filled every crevice. This light is a cleansing light, full of power and love.
I received the truth Jesus gave me and suddenly the tension in my chest was replaced by a feeling of space and amplitude. Jesus told me I could let go of how I think things are supposed to play out and embrace the new order of things. Adrianne told me of a quote she'd read: "There is no order to miracles." I like that. It resonates with me…I often assume I know the correct order of things, but my expectation can become my focus which leads to disappointment and loss of focus when what it happens differently. I can be blind to the goodness of God shining through because I'm so fixated on what didn't happen.
That shifted for me today and I crafted my affirmation from the session to be:
"I trust my heart and embrace the order of miracles in my day."
I breathed in a drop of Envision and Transformation to anchor that in and will repeat it once again before I go to bed.