Day 12: Slow down and breathe... The 30-Day Miracle with the Aroma Freedom Technique
Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash
I got caught up in tasks tonight, so this recap will be brief.
After a profound Aroma Freedom Technique session, clients frequently tell me how tired they are the next day, and I always gently remind them to drink lots of water, to take rests as needed, and to be kind and gentle with themselves. I reassure them that their energy will return soon enough.
Emotional work is a detox process. If you've ever done a cleanse of any kind, you know that there can be a period of feeling lousy, craving certain foods, and needing more rest. When we go through the AFT process, we are releasing emotions that have caused a toxic build up within our bodies, and we need physical recovery time just like we do with a dietary detox.
I forgot all of that today.
Yep, I forgot to remind myself to drink plenty of water, to rest when needed, and to be kind and gentle to myself. It took me several hours to figure it out…I even said out loud that I just wanted to rest, and my daughter heard me and said, "Then go rest, mom!" Out of the mouths of babes…
I finally clued in to what was going on. I knew my session with Terry yesterday had been profound, but I didn't recognize that I would be flushing out some toxins.
So, I took my glass of water with lemons and limes squeezed in to support my liver through the detox and went outside to sit with my bare feet in the grass. As I grounded, I took in the trees and the birds and the breeze and began to feel myself level back out.
Lesson learned. I'll be gentler with myself tomorrow.
I also had this revelation today: perfectionism is lucifer's design and pride is at the root. He didn't like how God was doing things, thought they could be better, and thus perfectionism was born. God never intended for us to be perfect. He embraces our seeming imperfections because to Him they are gifts. That was mind expanding and something I want to explore more at a later time here.
Here's my newly tweaked affirmation:
"I radiate joy and excitement as I walk towards my goal of manifesting $100,000 monthly beginning November 30, 2017."