Day 8: No eye has seen... The 30-Day Miracle Challenge with AFT


“No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no one’s heart has imagined all the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

I'm writing these blogs on the fly with very little editing or proofreading. I set an action step to blog daily during the 30-Day Miracle challenge which means I'm going to have an imperfect post here and there. Let's be honest. They are all imperfect. But perfection is not the purpose.  Progress is!

And I am making progress.  If you would have told me that God would be impacting lives through me like is happening today, I would have thought you were exaggerating something He told you or just trying to say something to encourage me. I WANTED to be used by God like this, but I had a lot of unbelief and limited thinking that didn't allow me to believe it could ever actually happen.


But, y'all, this summer, I got to speak before a crowd of 650 people and lead them through AFT. I've trained a group of women in Mexico to be Aroma Freedom Technique practitioners. I've taught 5 in-person certifications, I've connected with people in all walk of life, I'm president of a business networking group, I helped to proofread and edit two books…not to mention the amazing things happening in my family and with my children.

The point I'm making (for myself more than anything) is that my big audacious goal doesn't come close to what God has prepared for me.  I love Him, but do I really believe that He'll go above and beyond my wildest imagination? He certainly has a great track record at doing just that! 

I've considered changing my AFT goal/affirmation.  Many people in the challenge have. But the more I work with mine, the more convinced I am (at least up to today), to keep the core of it the same. I want to clear any limiting beliefs and mindsets out and renew my mind to be in complete alignment with whatever God has purposed for me to walk.  This large sum of money stretches my imagination and targets where my insecurities and doubts hide.

Psalm 51:6 says, "Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part [of my heart] You will make me know wisdom." That is exactly what is happening for me. As I declare my affirmation each morning and night, He is bringing truth to my innermost being and making me to know wisdom in the hidden places of my heart!

This morning I did my affirmation as I walked down the hall towards the elevator. It wasn't the perfect power pose, by far, but it did include movement, oils, and the declaration. This evening, I  took the time and space to center myself, slow down my breath, and really settle into the affirmation step of my practice.


I feel another facet to the goal coming, something that is expansive and encompassing of the "beyond all I can hope or imagine," but for tonight it remains:

"Because I am the real deal and Jesus loves me and strengthens me, I am a burning bush and I receive $100,000 monthly beginning November 30, 2017 for my AFT and Young Living expertise!"

What big audacious goal are you inspired to reach for?


Day 9: The sacred scone...The 30-Day Miracle Challenge with AFT


Day 7: You've got this! The 30-Day Miracle Challenge with AFT