Day 6: I won! The 30-Day Miracle Challenge with AFT
There's nothing like accountability. Even if it's the kind that only happens in my head. No one is checking up on me. No one is hounding me. But the fact that 300 people are doing this 30 day challenge at the same time is inspiring and keeps me moving forward.
Today is Day 6 in the challenge, and I'm feeling pretty strong. I did feel some resistance this morning as I did my morning affirmation, so I spent a little extra time just inhaling my "Believe" oil and paying attention to what the negative voices were saying.
Mostly they were saying things to cast doubt on my big bodacious goal, as in: "what if you don't receive $100,000…what if you don't have the right goal…what if…" I acknowledged them, thanked them for the concern, and sent them on their way. I'm getting so much movement and clarity, the end result is not the point. It's the process.
This morning as I woke, I saw various friends in my mind's eye, envisioned them working through their goals, felt the energy of a joint effort, and understood a small part of what God is doing in and through me and others in this challenge: He's getting His church ready. He wants a bride that is ready to meet Him, that is free of limiting beliefs and mindsets, that is walking in the freedom and abundant life that He already bought and paid for.
This weekend I am at a women's retreat put on by my good friends Janet Bernstein of Savvy Girl Media and Lori Dixon of Walk with Lori. We met almost two years ago at a women's networking meeting in north Dallas at a time when I was starting to step into building my Young Living business seriously. They both have been so instrumental in my personal and business growth, and I am so very grateful. I don't think it's any accident that the retreat falls during the 30-Day Miracle challenge.
Tonight we enjoyed a "Sip-n-Shop" and I visited easily with each vendor and the other women in the room. Just a year ago, I was much shyer and more hesitant to meet new people, but tonight I was mingling like a pro! Thank you, Jesus, and AFT! I stopped at one table to spin the wheel and win a prize. There were various prizes on the wheel and one $20 bill. Guess what I landed on !?! Yep! The $20 bill!!! I am rejoicing in this day of small beginnings!
Oh, and this morning I got another tweak for my goal and affirmation:
"Because I am the real deal and Jesus loves me and strengthens me, I am a burning bush and I receive $100,000 MONTHLY beginning November 30, 2017 through my Young Living and AFT expertise. "
I'm off to say my nightly affirmation. Until tomorrow!
Would you like to experience the Aroma Freedom Technique for yourself? Click here to set up a session with me. If you do not have essential oils, that is ok! You can select that option and I will send you the session supplies for a small additional fee.