My home has to be "perfect."

Actual photo of me preparing while this conversation happens in my head :-)

I recently hosted an event in my home.

In preparing, I recognized a subconscious thought saying, “My home has to be ‘perfect’.” Now instead of feeling anticipation and excitement about my guests arriving, fear and a bit of dread crept in.

I started noticing what required repairing – my focus went to our concrete floors we’ve had since 2018 when we ripped up our carpet the night after my dad’s service when we came home to our sweet dog grieving via diarrhea all over the living room floor, and my fear of being judged for how long we’ve had “no flooring” popped its head in to whisper all manner of things.

Who or what determines “perfect” though? A “perfect” cup of coffee for one is not for another.

Perfect is an illusion and distraction tempting us away from being present in our lives.

We can tend to busy ourselves with tasks, giving our energy to insignificant details, running at full speed, rushing around to get things done “just perfectly” to reach an elusive “perfect ______” (you fill in the blank).

Me allowing one of my guests to help with preparations. She is such a joy to get to know! I highly recommend accepting offers for help from guests.

When we get caught up in “perfect”, we miss (cancel, clear) the gift of our Presence in our now and, in my case, the moment I’ve been preparing for.

My small self’s “need for perfect” actually masks something deeper…am I perhaps afraid of how people will view me? Am I protecting myself with the exterior, from connecting myself with people intimately? Am I robbing myself of deep meaningful encounters while hiding behind a “perfect” façade?

So, I gave myself a moment to pause, get present to what I was actually feeling, and ask: “What is my purpose…my primary outcome for my event?”

My ease returned as I allowed my energy to focus on my outcome and WHY I was preparing, trusting my space would be just what my guests required.

Connection, security, and meaningful encounters are rarely achieved when “perfect” is the main goal. Instead, these happen when you and I can bring our full self into the present moment and trust Love supports us in feeling secure being seen.

My outcome for my gathering? Each woman experiences being seen, nurtured, in-couraged, loved, and fully accepted…and I got my outcome!

Tears flowed, wisdom shared, laughter heard, and breakthrough received.

My preparation started in me…I prepared by seeing me, nurturing me, in-couraging me, loving me, and accepting my space and me just exactly the way I am.

In the end, I let those things I judged at first as “imperfect” about my home be ok, and I make my new choice to allow them to be the container and the vehicle for the atmosphere of love and acceptance to nourish the hearts of all who enter my home.

Our love is radiating from this photo. Can you feel it?

What matters most to me is I got my outcome at my gathering: each woman feel seen, nurtured, in-couraged, loved, and fully accepted…and I got my outcome! Tears flowed, wisdom shared, laughter heard, and breakthrough received.

 My preparation started in me…I prepared by seeing me, nurturing me, in-couraging me, loving me, and accepting me and my space just exactly the way I am.

In the end, I let those things I judged at first as “imperfect” about my home be ok, and I made my new choice to let them be the container and the vehicle for the atmosphere of love and acceptance to nourish the hearts of all who came into my home.

Does this resonate with you? How have you been challenged by your own ideas of what “perfect” is? Do you have any tips to share? Please share them in the comments or email me:

I love seeing you victorious in all your miracles - how can I pray for you today?

My course “Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love” is designed to support you in reclaiming your sovereignty over your thought life and equips you to align your thoughts and feelings with Truth. For more information and to enroll, click the button below.

I created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click the button below to request them. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.

Is there a better version of you waiting in your future?

If I could have one thing for you this year, it is for you to realize you are already all you desire to be now.  There is not a better version of you waiting in your future. You are perfect for the moment you are alive in right now.

You are perfect for the moment you are alive in right now

What is waiting for you in your future are more opportunities for you to shine, to mature, to grow, to embrace, and to be seen. You have all of these same opportunities in this moment too.

And right now, who you are is already fully equipped for the step you are on.

The glitch “there’s a better version of me out there somewhere” is a mechanism that distracts us from staying fully and completely present in God’s goodness shining from within us and tempts us to look outside of ourselves for completion and wholeness.

You staying fully and completely present in your life now is your main key to accessing who you already are in Christ.

This may be a brand new thought for you, and I invite you to sit with any questions that come up for you and present them to the light of Christ where you are already restored you fully into your awareness of Oneness, Wholeness, and Love.

When you let how you experience yourself in this moment to be ok and let Love be the conduit and the lens for your choices instead of shame, blame, guilt, and condemnation, then you partner with God’s power already at work within you to assist and help you on the step of your path you are on right now.

God is not surprised by the turn of events in your life.  God is not surprised by your choices, your unconscious behaviors, or your glitches. God is fully prepared for every moment of your life with abundance, richness, love, support, care, comfort, compassion, strength…you name it!  It’s within you to draw from now for the exact step in your life you are on.

Is it time for you to embrace all of you and all your life experiences right now? Is it time to stop partnering with doubt and turn instead and partner with your faith and courage? Check out this recent video I did titled “Doubt Out. My Faith IN!” by clicking on the image below.

I’ve also created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 be the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click the button below to request them and be sure to also watch the video by clicking the image above. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.

My course “Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love” is designed to support you in reclaiming your sovereignty over your thought life and equips you to align your thoughts and feelings with Truth. For more information and to enroll, click the button below.

2022 is your year of expansion and restoration. Take inspired action and set your course to being all you are created to be!

All Love