What is your peace attached to?

I realized my peace was attached to having information and having things be a certain way in my environment.

I limited my peace to

  • what I could understand and

  • what I could control.

Then I remembered the Peace of Christ PASSES all understanding and INFUSES my Heart and my Mind in Christ for my Security.

It’s quick, transcends my dense matter, goes before me, and is all around me.

It goes ahead and prepares my way with FULL PEACE.

It doesn’t require understanding first.

I can experience and have Peace FOR NO REASON.

Things less-than-Peace can only influence me if I let them.

The Peace of Christ is within ALL and experienced to the degree of awareness we have.

With greater awareness comes opportunities to CHOOSE to have and experience Peace NOW.

While “control” seems safe and “understanding” seems logically wise, the Peace of Christ is much more expansive than the small boxes and limitations our control and understanding operate in.

Is it time for you to CHOOSE to have and experience the Peace of Christ NOW for no reason?

Below, I share with you some of my key decrees for Peace. And first….

Registration for our next Remember Pure Speech evening class is now open! This class empowers you in reclaiming the power of your CHOICE and creating your PeaceFULL experience in your Life.

- **Registration now Open:** Register here: Remember Pure Speech: A Conscious Language Book Study with optional Deep Dive Group Coaching

- **Registration Closes:** May 20th

- **Early Bird Pricing for Deep Dive Ends:** May 14th

- **Dates:** May 21st - June 18th (Book Study), June 25th - July 16th (Deep Dive)

- **Fees:** Live, Guided Book Study - $55 | Guided Book Study PLUS Deep Dive Coaching - $277 (Early Bird), $333 (After May 14th)! Remember - this is a HIGH VALUE, low investment offer.  The return you receive at whatever level you opt in for will be massive!

Miracles are unfolding and more are on the way, and now is your chance to embrace them in your life more fully than you have up until now!


Pause with me now, place your hand on your heart, breathe in and decree:

  • I give myself permission to experience the Peace of Christ in me now.

  • I choose to experience Christ’s Peace in me now.

  • I am the Peace of Christ in my world now and continually.

  • I ignite PeaceFULL experiences everywhere I go.

I bless you in your PowerFULL, PeaceFULL awareness today and ongoing!


Fear, anxiety, and perfectionism

If I can SHINE, so can you! Before my liberation into FREEDOM, I was stuck in patterns of…


➡️People pleasing

➡️Perfectionistic tendencies,

➡️Not comfortable with change,

➡️Fear of making the wrong choices,

➡️Fear of doing it wrong,

➡️Fear of making mistakes,

➡️Fear of disappointment,

➡️Fear of disappointing others,

➡️Fear of disappointing God,

➡️Fear of getting deceived,

➡️Fear of missing out….

However, My mentor Robert Tennyson Stevens taught me:

🥳My greatest weakness IS my greatest strength

🥳Let the weak woman say I AM STRONG!

🥳Real-eyes all of this has been preparation, lessons in life to help me remember what I am here for and who I am here to serve

🥳Touch all of my perceived weakness with committed Love and Compassion and watch it all transform into my Faith and Courage, my benefit and motivation, and my super power here and now.

I started to

🙌embrace and surrender to the unknown,

🙌Serve my faith instead of my fear,

🙌Get out of right/wrong thinking

🙌Trust Truth will guide me always

🙌Be-alive-in my Purity and Innocence,

🙌And LET my Light be SEEN so it can nourish and nurture my world in the way I AM Designed 🥰

I have invested 4 decades in mastering the ins and outs of self doubt SO I CAN be masterful in choosing FAITH AND COURAGE instead.

Hiding left my body in panic mode and rigid in my thinking.

🌟SHINING had rejuvenated my mind, given me more energy for what I love, and clarity on what I can leave behind in the path.

🌟SHINING has empowered me in my Sovereignty and Inspired Action and given me opportunity to help others move MUCH MORE QUICKLY into transformation because I already paid the price and paved the way forward with ease and Grace.

🥰Many of my clients and students tell me my sessions and classes have taken months and even years off their therapy timeline and restored to them their strength and clarity to choose what they love and create in their thriving life.

🥰Many of my clients and students tell me my sessions and classes have been life changing and many continue to listen and relisten to my self-study material, receiving fresh revelation and renewed commitment each time.

🥰Many of my clients and students have reported more awareness of God’s Presence within and all around, more Peace and less reactivity, more Joy and less stress, more Love and less heartache and despair.

I tell you all of this so perhaps you can recognize the importance of SHINE 2024 and being in person with me for 4 days.

💕Your life will change and you will receive massive upgrades.

💕Your light will be activated beyond your imagination and opportunities to thrive will come to you - bc now you can see them in your light.

💕Your support system will expand as you experience with other women the power of witnessing and coming alongside each other in sacred love as we be brand new and shed old stories and leave patterns and embrace our new choices and high agreements.

Early bird registration is open through Wednesday, November 22, 2023.

On November 23, 2023 the price will increase. Registration will remain open through January 31, 2024 or until all spots are filled.

Is one of them yours?

A tool for making big choices

For some I have spoken with, committing to attend SHINE 2024 feels exciting and fear-inducing at the same time.

The invitation to attend comes with an inner knowing, the gig is up for the illusion - the small self who desires status quo, comfort, and knowing everything will stay the same even if what is the same is not fun or easy.

SHINE 2024 is for those who have a full YES in their hearts to attend and who enter willingly into our agreement to play, be seen in their Sacred Light, and witness others in their Sacred Light with immense tenderness and compassion.

Upgrade will abound your life experience exponentially and accelerate your growth more than I have words to express when you commit to and attend SHINE 2024 - if you have an aligned “yes” resonating in your heart at my invitation.

How can you know you have an aligned “YES” in your heart.

I encourage you to pause and invest a few minutes in this exercise (you can also hear me explain and walk you through this exercise verbally here:

Close your eyes and imagine you have attended SHINE 2024 and it’s now 2025. Notice how you feel in your body, what your life is like for you, and any other details or impressions you may receive.

Now imagine it’s 2025 and you did not attend SHINE 2024. Notice how you feel in your body, what your life is like for you, and any other details or impressions you may receive.

Notice what is different for you in each scenario and measure your levels of joy, ease, peace, and enthusiasm when you picture each one.

You can use this exercise for any choice you have before you to hope you discern your aligned choice.

Once you know your aligned choice, you can then give yourself permission to receive your full support and supply and surrender your doubts and disbelief into your rest and trust for everything to unfold for you according to Divine order and timing.

Fear and procrastination are common when we are receiving our call to stretch beyond our known reality, and they respond well to fierce compassion and love.

Anything you touch with your love becomes it’s highest version.

Fear becomes your faith and courage.

Procrastination alchemists into inspired action.

I am your permanent victory in the Light

I see you victorious in all your outcomes

I see you fully supported and supplied in all your aligned actions

God’s plans and purposes are fulfilled in you!


Join us for SHINE 2024 in Belleville, TX, February 22-25, 2023. Early bird registration through November 22, 2023. We have 14 spots remaining. Is one of them yours? For more information and to register, click on the image below.

The art of investing

The art of investing
Means I let me acknowledge my heart’s desires
Give space for me to know me

So many years of living in denial
Thinking it was more spiritual
To fit into someone else’s box
Someone else’s version of what
“God’s plan for my life” must be
According to their theology
Really a projection of their own internal reality

For who can know the mind of God
Except for God
Who dwells in each one of us
In unique variations of cosmic light
Divine Love slowed down to form
I am

The mind of God for me can only be known by
God in me
Others can confirm
Or affirm
And ultimately only I can know
What aligns for me

So the best training to receive
Is the one that teaches me to know
What the Most High’s language is
In and through me
Within where my intuition lives
I build rest and trust
Increase my capacity for knowing
Taking inspired action
According to my unique Divine Blueprint
Which no man (or woman) can tell me
Only facilitate my discovery
Reflect back to me what they see
Igniting my possibilities

And the best way for all to walk in sovereignty
Is for each of us to take up response-ability
Surrender our reactivity
Slow down and feel
Be still

I AM is within us
As us
Specifically revealed through us
According to our uniqueness
Individual missions in life
Miraculously coming together
In a mosaic of Oneness

Forming and reforming
Membering and remembering
The Body of Christ
As Christ returns in and through
Each unique and special expression

The way through is shedding labels and
Per-formance according to someone else’s standards
So I can find my own Divine Standard
For right-use-ness of my unique Life Energy
Which is God-energy
God breathed
God inspired
God designed
God in-formed

I am fully loved as I am
I am fully enough as I am
I am fully accepted as I am
I am fully empowered as I am

Dropping “Saul’s armor”
Picking up my own tools
Designed for my hands
Reclaiming my power
Owning my own authority
Choosing moment to moment
Creating consciously
Recommitting compassionately
Living my full life as I am


I remember me
Divine Source Coded
For abundant life
Fully enjoyed
Fully cherished
Fully honored
Fully respected


Forever self-sustained

I shine
My light matters
My world loves me shining
I love me shining
God loves me shining

And it is good.

It is very good.

I am worthy of all my investments
I am worthy of receiving all my investments
I reclaim my value
I own my own value
I empower others in my value
My value shines light for others
To see and know their own value

And then alive in our full Worth and Value
Heaven comes down
Earth becomes Eden once again
And we all
As One
In One

By Heather Schroeder Harbaugh
(c) 2023 Untethered Life

Join us for SHINE 2024 in Belleville, TX, February 22-25, 2023. Early bird registration through November 22, 2023. We have 16 spots remaining. Is one of them yours? For more information and to register, click on the image below.

What happens when disappointment shows up?

When I launched my in person immersion experience SHINE: a cosmic activation in creativity, power, and transformation a few weeks ago, I fully expected to fill each of the twenty available spots within a short time.

I expected people to take me up on my early registration gifts and to be as excited to register and attend as I have felt enthused imagining and creating this container to gather together.

What has unfolded, however, is different from what I expected.

I received lots of encouraging emails and messages from people who told me the timing wasn’t right for them and they eagerly anticipate attending the NEXT one (I love how they are already calling into existence future opportunities!).

I received a handful from others communicating they were hoping to be able to work it out to come.

I received zero registrations.

Disappointment came knocking on my door along with a touch of despair and discouragement.

Thankfully, I recognize these visitors as signals I have my brand new choice before me.

And what I choose is to let more love in than I have before up until now.

Disappointment tells a story that says I have been separated from my appointment.

Not possible. I am always God appointed, God ordained, and God timed. Everything is working TOGETHER.

Despair tells a story that says I have been separated from my pair or my mission.

Not true. I am always one with God and on mission. My purposes are secure.

Discouragement tells story that says I have been separated from my faith and courage and have a weak heart.

Again…not accurate! I AM my faith and courage and my God heart is always within me full of strength and courage for my next steps.

I do acknowledge my feelings of fear and sad - fear I might not get to share my beautiful creation with the women I’ve imagined joining me and sad because I have so much to share and miracles to ignite may not get to at this time in the way I thought.

Shining is risky business. Shining doesn’t always have the outcome I expect or have envisioned. 

Shining invites me to

  • stretch and surrender,

  • recommit and be brand new, and

  • continue choosing to shine even if things unfold differently than I anticipated.

It seems counter-intuitive to tell you we still have not received any registrations for SHINE.

AND a big part of shining is transparency and honesty…no scarcity marketing strategy here. What is we DO have is lots of remembering we are in Divine Timing and everything is unfolding in Divine Order.

We are keeping our SHINE doors open for registration at the original investment of $2220 for ten more days (through October 8, 2023) and adjusting some of our own expectations. 

Whether anyone registers or not, Bethany and I are committed to attending our own event and going through our SHINE material, activities, activations, explorations, and expansions together.

Whether we are joined by others or not, SHINE is happening October 12-15 in Bellville, TX, and you can register to join us up until October 8th. 

We will still work with you on a payment plan if you require, so please…if you have a YES in your heart to join us, clear your calendar for October 12-15, click on the registration link below and register ASAP (investment remains $2220 and will NOT go up to $2440 on 10/1) or reply to this email with your request for payment plan information.

We believe where two or more are gathered, we experience the synergy of increased awareness and amplification of I AM in and through us in our midst. 

And if this is the first time you are hearing about SHINE, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter below where I am more likely keep you informed on events and other opportunities to join me. Also, I recently offered a free mini-immersion experience over on Facebook. You can catch the replays by requesting to join the group from shame to SHINE (<<click the link<<).

ALL LOVE! SHINE ON, dear ones!

What's your super power?

I recently took an online training and was given the assignment to write my own “Super Hero Story.”

I’m sharing it with you here, unedited and “raw,” and my outcome is you feel ignited to write your own story and share it with your world so they can be inspired to write theirs.

Owning and sharing and shining our stories we are reclaiming and now taking ownership of authoring is an important role we have in shifting unconscious patterns and restoring ourselves and all of creation to our Divine Blueprint.

If you feel challenged in writing your own story, take mine as a template and fill in your own Divinely Inspired attributes.

If you require more support, consider enrolling in my course Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love which comes with a journal that will help you write your own Super Hero story.

Through the end of June, this and all my courses are available to you at 33% savings using the code 33SPECIAL, so now’s your time to enroll at special pricing! Investment returns to regular pricing on July 1st.

And now for my Super Hero Story:

My Super Hero story

The world had fallen into darkness and many were despairing as all the old ways no longer worked and there didn't seem to be any fixing what was broken. Hopelessness filled the air as one by one the structures of society began crumbling, revealing their use had reached it's fulfillment of time.

In the darkest corner of the city lived a girl named Heather. She had always seemed a little different. For example, she never liked to use a flashlight at night because she claimed her eyes adjusted to the darkness, finding light in the air around her to help her find her way. In the daytime, she didn't wear sunglasses because she claimed the sunshine filled her eyes with light and information she required to fuel her genius. She also always moved from one task to the next, rarely finishing one before going to the next as she followed the clues in her work that signaled her next step. Rarely did she go in a straightforward fashion, which confounded her family and friends.

Many questioned the wisdom of her choices as they were often far from the normal routine and choices of the society around her. Heather had tried to fit in from time to time, taking on the tools others handed her and applying them in the ways they taught here. In the end, and sometimes after painful experiences, she found that doing things her own way led to the best results for her, so she got more adept at smiling and saying "no, thanks" and standing her ground even when they insisted she adopt their tools.

As the days got darker and the atmosphere more dense with despair, Heather realized her times of preparation had come to fulfillment and she was in Divine Timing to let shine her super power of Innovation & Quantum Creativity. All of the practice she had imagining new outcomes, stepping into the Field of Infinite Possibility and testing her ideas had grown confidence in her to trust her Intuition and Creative Genius and remember she was always God-guided and God-supplied, even when things didn't make sense ahead of time.

When the next opportunity came, Heather boldly stepped out and began publicly activating her innovative ideas, igniting hope in those around her as her confident manner and strong, powerful presence caused others to see her in a new light.

Heather let everyone know who were drawn to her radiance: "Hey! You have a Super Power too! All you must do is Let your Light Shine! You already know deep down all you need to know to take your next step. You CAN do it!"

Some kept walking, their eyes on the ground, focused on the dirt and darkness of the crumbling decay, convinced everything was going to hell in a handbasket and that was the end of things.

Others paused and listened but didn't see how they could do anything different than they had been doing, and chose to sit in the ashes of what had been for a little longer.

Then there were those whose eyes lit up at the possibility of finally giving themselves permission to be who they were created to be and surrender what no longer served them. They stayed and sat to listen to what else Heather might share with them and felt hope and strength stirring in their spirits with her words. They felt lighter as the shrugged off their burdens and restored their blessings with their Love.

Where before her ideas had been quirky and strange, they now saw her in her Super Power of Innovation and their eyes were opened to the Field of Infinite Possibility before them. Those who were ready came to her and asked her to guide them in how to navigate this brand new place. They recognized they had the opportunity to be brand new, since none of the old ways were working anymore.

With the old system falling down all around them, many felt lost and overwhelmed, but when they saw Heather leading in her quiet, gentle way and felt hope in her presence, even though they didn't understand or quite know how things were going to work out, they knew they could trust her to lead them into the Brand New Era and show them how to architect and engineer their new world according to their own Divine Blueprint and Mission in Life.

Soon, news of Heather's ability to see clearly in the Field of Infinite Possibility and ignite others into awareness of their own Quantum Creative Genius spread and others came to join her in her quest to bring people into an awareness of their own God-Given Strengths and the Courage to let themselves Shine fully in their own unique and valuable Super Powers.

She gathered those around her with the courage to continue out into the unknown. She empowered them in their own innovation, she sent them out to ignite Light, Joy, and Innovation in others while she continued to Shine her Light and draw those who were ready to be brand new and be ignited in their own Courage and Faith to embrace and be secure being seen in their innate Super Powers.

"You are magnificently and wonderFULLy made," she declared. "It's time to Shine Your Light!"

If you choose to share your Super Hero story with me, please email it to me at heather@untethered.life. I am so honored to read it and rejoice in your light shining brilliantly in your world!

Heather Harbaugh


Check out my gift to you: I created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click the button below to request them. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.

Is it time for you to Activate Your Quantum Creativity?

Do you sometimes wonder if your creativity matters?

Has your creativity been tethered by fear, doubt, and suspicion???

What would it be like for you to fully Enjoy Your Life now and Create simply for the joy of creating and generously bless your world with the opportunity to experience your creation?

Are you called to lead the way and pioneer something new on the planet?

Click on the image above and find out why it’s important to Activate Your Quantum Creativity and LAUNCH into New Levels of FREEDOM in your Creative Expression NOW!!!




Is it time for you to activate and unleash your Creative Genius?

Our world is going through massive transitions and your creative genius is being called on to create and innovate our brand new world founded on love, compassion, sovereignty, community, and equity for all life everywhere.

You carry within you Heaven’s Creative Solutions for every challenge in your world.

The Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN you.

The only things that can stop you from being activated in your Creative Genius and being the vessel through which Heaven’s Solutions come to earth are doubt and suspicion.

Doubt and suspicion team up to convince you…

1 - your creativity doesn’t matter

2 - your creative solutions aren’t enough

3 - your creative ideas aren’t lucrative

4 - your creations will be rejected

5 - your Creative Genius is flawed and lacking and should stay hidden

Are you done listening to doubt and suspicion?

They are LOUSY mentors and councilors.

Is it time for you to activate your Creative Genius and let you be the vessel for Divine Inspiration, Heavenly Ingenuity, and Cosmic Solutions on earth as it is in Heaven?

Change your narrative and Join Me on Zoom on the 24th of March for a FREE webinar on “5 Ways to Activate Your Creativity.” I’ll also be talking about my new course “Creative Genius” and answering any questions you might have! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Hit the button below!

The Slow Work of God - on embracing Divine Timing & Divine Order

I discovered this journal entry from 12/25/2016. I invite you in with me as this theme of divine timing and order continues for me to embrace more deeply:


"Only God could say what this new spirit forming within you will be. Give our Lord the benefit of believing that his hand is leading you. And accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete."

Pierre Teihard de Chardin

This has been quite the journey and I have often been impatient with myself for not being further along, for not " figuring things out more quickly"...yet...perhaps it's less about me and more about the "slow work of God."

My error is in believing that this journey is all about me - my abilities, my skills, how fast I'm letting go and moving on and finding healing. What if this is just the slow work of God because rushing intricate and delicate details leads to shoddy work and more things broken than repaired. It is fools that rush in.

Jesus tenderly and patiently moves with precision and perfect timing to restore all that is lost, broken, shattered...

So, my work is to trust and know that is is NORMAL to pass through this sage or these stages of instability, for it is the "law of progress" that this must be so.

These new ideas, says de Chardin, must "shape themselves without undue haste." And there is definitely a feeling anxiety within that somehow there is something wrong with me for being 45 and incomplete and in suspense. But maybe all of life has a component of this feeling as it's all a journey towards being fully alive, throwing off all that entangles.


Can you relate? What "slow work of God" have you been judging yourself for not moving faster in? What is new and different for you as you lean in and let you go at the speed of your own life and trust you are in Divine Timing and Divine Order?


My course “Miracle Mindset: Create Your Life You Love” is designed to support you in reclaiming your sovereignty over your thought life and equips you to align your thoughts and feelings with Truth. For more information and to enroll, click the link below.



I AM your Cosmic Cheerleader of Victorious Miracles unfolding in your life moment to moment to moment to moment,


God IN YOU is in FULL JOY right this minute.

I took a last minute trip last October to Colorado to help my sister with her 5 month old son and 13 month old foster daughter, and I had full hands and full heart with babies in my lap most of my time there.

It's been some years since I was in the season of babies in my home, and it reminded me about the many seasons of life we go through.

Many times, especially when we have been conditioned to look at people around us to determine if we are "doing good" or "moving at the right speed" or "on track in our progress," we go unconscious in our season of life and think/wish we were in a different one.

The challenge with this way of thinking and approaching discerning your life is it activates disharmony through fear, doubt, apathy, anger, irritation, etc.

Yet, we are designed to always be alive in harmony - peace, love, and JOY! It's only when we give our power away to outside sources to determine our value, worth, growth, success, enough-ness, and "right-ness" that we disrupt God's JOY within us.

You ARE DESIGNED to always be alive in your full Joy and re-JOY-sing in your life right now...fully independent of whatever anyone else thinks, anyone else's opinion, any situation or circumstance going on in your world.

God IN YOU is in FULL JOY right this minute.

You can open up your awareness in your brand new choice NOW and Let Your JOY support, strengthen, supply, and celebrate within you, reminding you of your harmonious Oneness with Your Creator.

Your season of life is Divinely Designed for your growth and expansion. However great your current challenge, your key to walking in JOY is through Rest and Trust in all things working out for your good in your life you are living right now.

You cannot succeed living someone else's life or someone else's plan for your life. Only God in YOU knows your life mission and all of the specifics and details. Does God use others to call out what God in them sees in you? YES!!!! I have been the greatFULL recipient of many encouraging words from beautiful people who have felt led to share with me an impression from God for me.

These words always FIRST resonate within ME! If there isn't resonance within me, I put their words on a shelf for a later moment if/when God brings them to mind for me. If it's important for me to know, I once heard Darlene Cunningham (wife of Loren Cunningham - founder of YWAM) say, then God will tell me first and then confirm it through others.

Beloved, throw off the opinions and standards of others for your life. They are not the easy and light yoke of Yeshua. They are the chains and burdens of duty and obligation.

Instead, make your new choice, voice your choice, and choose to live in your own Life Mission and embrace all of the twists and turns of every life season as working within you a greater purpose than you have imagined up until now.

JOY is available to you right now to support you in whatever you are moving through in your life. Many of us have not been taught or trained how to access and activate our full JOY so we CAN live in our abundant, thriving lives in every moment we breathe.

I created Activate JOY: 21 Day Miracle Mindset Reboot to support US in increasing our capacity for Joy, strengthening our neural pathways to access our Joy, and activate awareness of all the ways JOY is here serving and supporting us in our now moments.

Click on the button below to learn more and to enroll. Pricing is $88 through February 4th and then increases to its regular price of $144 on February 5th, 2022.

Check out my gift to you: I created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click the button below to request them. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.

I AM your permanent JOYFULL VICTORIOUS COSMIC CHEERLEADER! I see you thriving and embracing your full JOY now and giving yourself permission to express and activate JOY in your world today.



When life throws your curveballs: How to move from expectation to expectancy.

Has it seemed like life has thrown you lots of curve balls lately?  Have you found it challenging to navigate through all of the shifts and changes while staying calm and filled with hope?

If the last two years have shown me anything, it’s been how much expectation has played a role in my emotional upheaval when things don’t turn out the way I expect.

Usually when my expectations aren’t met, I have felt disappointed.

Disappointment carries an underlying belief that says “I’ve been separated from my life mission – my God appointment.”

Expectation is an attachment to a certain outcome as being the only good outcome.

Expectation and disappointment usually go hand in hand as we get an inkling for what God is doing in and through us, create a story of expectation on what that will look like, get attached to our specific outcome or scenario coming to pass, and then, if and when it doesn’t, we make up a story that somehow something we did or someone else did has caused us to get separated from our God-appointment.

Guess what?

Getting separated from your God appointment is impossible. God’s plans and purposes for your life succeed! 

So what do we do when things don’t turn out how we expect?

First, recognize that you may have told yourself a story and created an attachment to a certain outcome.  “What is the story I’m making up about this?” or “How am I making this personally about me?” are great starter questions to find out what your underlying belief is when things don’t work out how you think they “should.”

Second, give yourself permission to surrender all attachment to how the story of your life unfolds.  When we do this, we can move from expectation into expectancy.  The difference between expectation and expectancy is expectancy carries the message “however this turns out, I know it’s going to be good in the end.”

Third, in the in between times – in the moments where what is unfolding is challenging and intense – remind yourself that this is how things look as your miracles are coming to fruition in your life. The unfolding of miracles in our lives often, and perhaps always, brings upheaval, disruption, and change. These undulations of change support us in keeping our focus and our attention invested in what our highest good is versus on comfort and stagnation. 

Fourth, embrace the changes and choose to see them as good. Yes, acknowledge how you feel and stay loving and compassionate with yourself in your metamorphosis. And, keep redirecting your attention to the goodness of God unfolding in greater measure within and all around you.

In this way, your life stays rooted and grounded in love, supported in hope, and energized by joy so you can stay active and present in your faith and courage throughout all of life’s curveballs.

Does this resonate with you? How have you been challenged by your own ideas of what “perfect” is? Do you have any tips to share? Please share them in the comments or email me: heather@untethered.life.

I love seeing you victorious in all your miracles - how can I pray for you today?

My course Activate JOY is only $88 through February 4th, 2022. This 21-day journey is a great choice if you are looking for support in moving from living in expectation to resting in expectancy of God’s goodness always working in your life. I have received many testimonies of the transformations happening and miracles ignited in this course. If you feel a nudge to enroll, do it today! It will go up to it’s normal pricing after 2/4/22.

Check out my gift to you: I created a list of decrees to support you in making 2022 the year you operate in your Faith and Courage in a brand new way. Click the button below to request them. For more support, join my free Facebook group Miracle Mindset Collective and be sure to check out all of the trainings and equipping available to you in the “Guides” section of the group.