Untethered Life

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Lee's Story - Part 6

On July 29, 2015, I received an email early in the morning from a company in Ireland called Xhail.  In the email, the writer explained that they had developed a software platform that composes music for movies, TV shows, video games, etc. by taking music from different composers all around the world and creating unique compositions each time a producer needs music.  Xhail was asking me to compose music for their platform in order to license my music for movies, TV shows, etc.!  What's more, they informed me that I was chosen because of the musical quality of my entry in the Hans Zimmer contest in 2014!!! 

The rest of the day was like a dream; I couldn't focus on anything.  I was trying to process what was happening to me.  My analytical mind kicked into high gear as it worked to ascertain whether this was really the result of my little "experiment" (see Part 5 for details) or just "coincidence."  But, at the end of the day, I could not deny the clear message that seemed to be coming my way.  Here was the fulfillment of a "prophecy" I felt a year earlier (see Part 3 for details) tied with a "prophecy" I had begun speaking just a few weeks before. The email may have been two days later than I "prophesied," but if ever there was a wake-up call, this had to be it!

For the next several days I continued to grapple with the experience.  Frankly, I became a little mad.  Where was my $200k? This was the only piece of my "prophecy" that was missing, and I needed my $200k, dammit! How can I be expected to leave my job and create musical content for this company without some sort of income (the composers for Xhail only receive royalty income when their compositions get placed in a movie)???

But, the more I told the story to people, the more I began to realize there must be a reason for the missing $200k, and the more I became convinced I had just experienced a spiritual encounter. I was attending a Young Living convention in Grapevine, Texas just a few days later where I met a lady who has a similar spiritual background as myself.  As I relayed my story to her, she said, "I believe the $200k was not enough.  Your music is worth much more; it just hasn't arrived yet!"  I realized I truly had tapped into something in the spirit world.  God had been doing something in me, and I was only just now coming to understand a small part of it.

I resigned from my corporate gig two days later.  In many ways it was the craziest move I have ever made.  I would have no income to speak of, no medical insurance, no more matching 401(k), no paid-for vision coverage or dental coverage, and none of the other great benefits I enjoyed as a salaried employee.  Yet, Heather and I felt unequivocally it was definitely time to quit, and to this day I feel like it was the best decision I have ever made.

So where are we today?  I know many of you are asking, "Where are you spiritually?"

Spiritually, I continue to search, explore, and grow.  I don't understand God.  I really can't even say I know who he is.  But, I can say he is.  Am I a Christian?  Probably not by most Christians' definition.  I still have a hard time logically believing most of the central doctrines of the Christian faith (resurrection of Christ, holy trinity, virgin birth, heaven and hell, and many others).  Yet, I cannot deny something profoundly deep in me to which I connect daily.  I am learning once more to meditate after so many years of not doing so.  I am learning once more to trust God after so many years of not doing so.  All I can say for certain is I really don't know where this leads, but the journey is exciting, and there is no turning back for me. For those of you expecting this story to come to a nice neat close today, sorry.  This story is just beginning!

Financially, we are slowly generating more income through our Young Living business and through my music.  How long can we go without substantially more income?  Well, it really depends on how much more of our savings we want to burn through.  But, one thing I can say without a doubt is that I do not for a minute regret untethering and living a life in alignment with God's calling.  Finally, I am able to help teach my kids at home, care for my aging father, work with Heather to build a business, and create music -- all things I have wanted to do for years but have been restricted from doing due to "work".  I can honestly say that today I am living the dream; I am living the untethered life!

How about you?  What is tethering you today?  Where is God calling you to let go and believe? What is your "music"? Wanna join the fun?

Let us hear your thoughts!
